
Conditionals are the decision making constructs in programming - and in Feral. In essence, if we want some actions - statements to be executed based on some prerequisites or criteria, we use conditionals.

In Feral, like most languages, conditional construct exists in the format:

if <some expression> {
	# do something;
} elif <perhaps, some other expression> {
	# do some other thing;
} else {
	# oh well, none of the above worked, so let's just do this

Do note that the elif and else portions are not mandatory. But the order - first if, then elif, then else is absolute. Also, a conditional can have any number of elifs.

if states the starting of a conditional. Right after if, Feral expects an expression (a set of calculations & function calls that return some value) that evaluates to a boolean value. The boolean, if true will cause the block of if, which is right after the expression - beginning with an opening brace, to be executed. If the boolean, however, is false, the block is not executed. Instead, if there is elif, its expression will be checked and this process will continue. If none of the conditions work, and there is an else block, that will be executed.

For example,

let io = import('std/io');

let a = 2;
if a == 1 {
} elif a == 2 {
} else {
	io.println('i dunno');

In this case, the elif block will be executed since a == 2 will evaluate to true.

That's it for conditionals actually. Next up, we'll be learning about the various loop constructs in Feral.